My aunt used to love puzzles! She would set up an old vinyl-clad folding card table, pull up a chair and pour a store-bought box full of small cardboard pieces into a pile in the centre. She would arrange them into a seemingly endless array of groups; corners, sides, colours, picture fragments, and then she would assemble them, piece by piece.
Looking meticulously at how each piece would fit and lock into place with another, my aunt would slowly see the fragments of a picture would start to form. After joining these fragments, a greater sense of the whole image would become apparent until, at some late hour, what seemed like disjointed parts would interlock and the final form would be there for all to see. My aunt would sit back and sip a glass of sweet sherry feeling a sense of contentment with her efforts.
Sometimes my aunt knew what the picture was to become; a famous landmark, a snow-covered peak, a vase of flowers or an image of a well-known piece of art. But it was those instances when she was given an old brown envelope of puzzle pieces from friends, with no hint of the picture it was to form, that she became truly excited.
Attacking the challenge with fervour my aunt would toil late into the evening, trying to make sense of what seemed like randomness but eventually, she would gain meaning from the chaos. Each piece of the jigsaw, on its own, did not give a sense of what was in store in the final image but even so was a necessary part of the whole and although only small, if missing the piece would leave a very noticeable hole in the final design.
Our journey through school is somewhat like those puzzle pieces in that old brown envelope. Each activity in which we involve ourselves, each course we study, each experience in and out of the classroom, and each extension program or internship we take up, is like those small puzzle pieces, seemingly insignificant on their own but in the end an integral part in the creation of the complete picture we create for ourselves.
The final image in a jigsaw is made up of many interlocking pieces and so too are our students who, when passing out of high school, are made up of separate but interconnected “pieces” of learning that they will eventually be able to use to create the picture of where they plan to head. And just like my aunt knew while immersing herself in her puzzles at the old vinyl-clad folding card table, each individual piece holds great value and we use them when the time is right.
When it comes to the puzzle that determines college admissions, the piece that holds the greatest value is a student’s academic journey as it is this piece that lays the foundations of all the others. Students and parents must pay heed and make a considerable investment in time and effort to do their utmost and reach their potential. This, however, does not mean that they have to sacrifice everything to “be the best” but rather they need to be “their best” so that the picture they create at the end of their high school journey will be the one that they will be proud to see.
In addition to the academic puzzle piece, however, students should engage themselves in creating a wide range of “pieces” of learning that will allow them to be the best they can be in and out of the classroom, school and community. To ensure that they have all possible puzzle pieces at hand to use when they start to solve their college admissions puzzle students should consider:
- Engaging in reflective, creative and persuasive writing activities.
- Supporting others by developing healthy relationships with peers, teachers, community mentors and supervisors in service activities.
- Actively participating in clubs, sports and leadership activities that enhance areas of specific weakness.
- Undertaking research projects and in-depth engagement in areas of interest (research essays, personal projects, online courses).
- Exploring careers, majors and entry requirements through internships, work experience, summer programs, extension activities and clubs and activities that relate to major of interest.
- Exploring colleges and programs both locally and globally and demonstrating interest by attending sessions, asking questions and showing interest.
- Participating in online learning opportunities, extension courses and summer programs or experiential self-development activities.
Colleges and universities understand that all students are a complex array of interlocking, interconnected puzzle pieces that when laid out carefully give a comprehensive image of the learner both in and out of the classroom. They also understand that when it comes to selecting which candidate “fits” their learning institution, they have all the puzzle pieces from which they can choose either the individual pieces they deem as important or the completed picture of an applicant.
Puzzlers, beware! Although most universities hold the academic piece of the puzzle in high regard, when it comes to the importance they put on the other pieces of the puzzle, they differ greatly. One university may only be interested in the academic piece yet another may also want to look at the piece concerning a focus on a particular course of study. Others still may want all the fragments of the puzzle placed carefully together so that they have the opportunity to see the entire picture of an individual before making a final decision.
Grade 9 Results Grade 10 Results Grade 11 Results (Board predictions) Grade 12 Results to be sent to attending university 1 x application form sent to a number of colleges 1 x school recommendation 2-3 teacher recommendations Personal essay, Resume and Application supplements per college that are based upon the explorations and self development listed above Possible: SAT / ACT / TOEFL / Interview | Grade 10 Results Grade 11 Results (Board Predictions) Grade 12 Board Results 1 x application form sent to a number of colleges 1 x school recommendation 1 x personal statement Possible: Additional academic testing / Interview | Grade 10 results Grade 11 results (Board predictions) Grade 12 results 1 x application form per college |
The college admissions puzzle may seem complex and confusing but to be honest, when you have all the puzzle pieces at your disposal the application process is really not all that complicated. When it comes to the crunch it really just comes down to the highly important academic piece plus maybe a few others, depending upon where an individual chooses to apply.
Like my aunt, when it is time to apply to university, an applicant may wish to consider setting up an old vinyl-clad folding table, pulling up a chair and laying out all the puzzle pieces of their life in a pile in the centre. Arrange them into whatever groups are needed and assemble them, piece by piece, according to the admissions requirements at the time. Carefully look at how each piece fits and locks into place with each other and slowly the fragments of a picture will start to form. After joining these fragments the whole picture would become apparent and very soon you will know that you are on the right track and have the best chance of admissions success!