How To Prepare For College Admissions in Grade 12.
How To Prepare For College Admissions in Grade 12.

How To Prepare For College Admissions in Grade 12.


Grade 12 is an exciting time as students make final decisions about their postsecondary plans and although this timeline has many common elements that can be considered by all students, it has been created with North American and UK admission timelines in mind and so if students are considering applying to universities in other continents they will need to do their research, plan for and adjust their timeline accordingly.

This timeline is intended for use by those students who are self-starters and who may want to take responsibility for the admissions process by themselves. Still, it should not take the place of the school-tailored timelines and schedules presented to them by their school and independent counselors.

During their final year, it is recommended that Grade 12 students (Seniors) maintain good grades and ensure that all requirements for graduation will be satisfied as well as know the dates for submitting applications to the colleges and universities of choice (Students will need to check websites and brochures for specific application deadlines).  

Summer Before Senior Year

Students should:

  • Continue to be actively involved in key areas of engagement: Academics, Writing, Supporting Others, Personal Development, In-depth Learning and Connecting with Colleges.
  • Visit colleges (in person or virtually) that interest them. Send an email to the international admissions person responsible for their country and declare their interest. Students should emember that the admissions officers who visit their school are looking for them to apply.
  • Consider whether they might want to apply to a college that has an early decision option.
  • If applying to the US, find out which of the colleges they would like to apply to accept the Common Application and begin completing the Common Application for those schools that accept it. 
  • Visit the websites of any schools that do not accept the Common Application and begin filling out application forms. Remember to make their life easier by copying and pasting from their resume. They can then customise the information as they go through the editing process.
  • Begin working on their college application essays. For tips on writing good college application essays check out the College Board resources.
  • If they are planning to pursue a major in the arts, they should start getting their portfolio or audition ready. 
  • Utilise Khan Academy for test prep (SAT, MCAT, GMAT) as this site will help them to do their best on these tests.
  • Continue searching for scholarships and they could consider using sites such as,, and to help search. For great advice about scholarships, they can check out Scholarship Junkies. Many scholarships have application deadlines as early as November of their senior year for funds to be available the following fall.
  • Finalise their Applying List of colleges ensuring that it is realistic in relation to their likelihood of acceptance. 
  • Follow any advice, guidance and timelines given by school counselors, especially in relation to teacher recommendations.
  • If applying to the UK register with UCAS and begin the online application. Choose your course and up to 5 universities and draft your personal statement.


Students should:

  • Understand the application requirements for all colleges to which they are considering applying and ensure that they are realistic choices.
  • Complete the Common Application if necessary.
  • Meet with their counselor about colleges to which they are applying.
  • Narrow their list of colleges to around 10 – 12 colleges, and get all application and financial aid information from each.
  • Apply for scholarships if appropriate however remember that there are many ways to reduce university fees without having to take out loans. 
  • Decide whether they are a candidate for Early Action or Early Decision if the colleges to which they are applying have these options and understand the benefits and ramifications.
  • UK Applicants: 
    • UCAS regular application starts 1st September – 15th January.
    • Oxbridge candidates need to look at the entrance exams and interviews recommended by the specific colleges to which they are applying and decide to which university (Oxford OR Cambridge) they will be applying.
    • Find more information about the entrance requirements and subject-specific tests for admission at Oxford or Cambridge.
    • Aim to complete the application by end of the month.
    • Remember to indicate that your counselor will write your UCAS recommendation.


Students should:

  • Review college choices with counselor.
  • Work on college-specific supplementary essays and paragraphs if required.
  • Complete UCAS applications if applying to the UK.
  • Attend in-person or virtual college fairs.
  • Confirm their final college Applying List, application deadlines, and requirements. Make a calendar! 
  • Continue involvement in extracurricular activities, demonstrating leadership and high achievement.
  • If not already done so, begin writing the essays and personal statements required with most applications.
  • Get feedback from a teacher/friend/counselor about essays. Students should remember that sometimes it is the person who does not know them well who may be the best person to give them advice as to their use of “voice” in their essay. People who know them well can sometimes “read too much into” what they have written.
  • Be finalising and ready to send out all EA and ED applications no later than late October. (These deadlines are typically around November 1).
  • Understand that any portfolio-based arts programs have December 1st deadlines so they should keep working on portfolios.
  • Note that some universities require submission by December 1st to be considered for scholarship opportunities.


Students should:

  • Complete any college supplements and admission requirements.
  • Be aware of and finalise all Early Decision & Early Action Applications.
  • If applying to UCAS, submit their forms.
  • Check school/national exams and calendar them along with application dates to stay organised. 
  • Schedule a meeting with their school counselor to review their college list to get their feedback, review their application deadlines, and ask any questions they may have.
  • Check with college admissions offices to verify they have received all required application materials.
  • UK Applicants
    • Register for supplementary testing if applying to Oxbridge.
    • UCAS deadline 15th October for Oxford, Cambridge, Dentistry, Vet, and Medicine.
    • Finalise Oxbridge applications (15 October)Be prepared to complete any admissions test that may be required by colleges and universities by early November.
    • Between the end of November and December, be prepared for subject interviews (online or in person) with Oxford or Cambridge.
    • For students planning to go in person to interviews, ensure that you have a valid passport with the necessary visa requirements.
    • Between October to March receive offers: conditional, unconditional or unsuccessful.


Students should:

  • Look at any achievement grades that are issued in Nov and decide if they match the profile of their intended universities.
  • Continue completing applications.  
  • If applying to colleges that have early admissions practices, submit early decision and early action applications on time. Students should make sure one of their parents and their counselor have signed the early decision agreement online.
  • Work hard at completing their college essays. Proofread them rigorously for mistakes.
  • Look at any predicted grades. Do they match the profile of their intended universities?
  • Complete applications as early as possible.


Students should:

  • Complete all Regular Decision (RD) applications as soon as their can so that they have a stress-free December break, even though Regular Decision (RD) deadlines are typically around January 1.
  • Have received notice that they have been accepted, deferred (put on hold), or denied (not accepted) if they applied early decision. If they are accepted, they should acknowledge the acceptance and fill out the necessary paperwork for admitted students.  
  • Contact colleges to make sure they have received all application materials.


Students should:

  • Submit Financial Aid Application if required.
  • Avoid “senioritis” as colleges like to see strong second-semester grades.
  • Go to college websites and check the status of their application.
  • Send an email to their admissions representative and reaffirm their interest in the school and offer any updates (activities, achievements, awards, etc) if deferred from a US university.
  • Prepare for any interviews by having mock interviews with people they don’t know very well. They should listen to and reflect upon any feedback given.


Students should:

  • Work on academics so that they finish strong and maintain good grades. Colleges will be concerned and may need to review admission decisions if a student’s grades drop. 
  • Demonstrate improved grades through the results of the mock exams if they were deferred or have been placed on waitlists.
  • Contact their colleges, check the college websites and confirm that all necessary application materials have been received.
  • Go to college websites to see if they can check the status of their application.


Students should:

  • Continue to keep their grades up and prepare for final exams. Don’t slack off!!
  • Plan visits to accepted colleges, if needed, in order to make their final college choice.
  • Attend any local admitted student events when possible.
  • Evaluate financial aid packages and scholarship offerings to figure out how to pay for college.
  • Enrol and submit a deposit by May 1 for US universities.
  • Begin expecting admissions decisions in March and April if they applied to schools in January and February. They should read everything they receive carefully, as some of it may require action on their part.
  • UK Applicants: Universities and colleges aim to have sent decisions on all applications received by 15 January. 


Students should:

  • Receive college acceptances or rejections. They should note deadlines and respond to offers.
  • Consider sending a Letter of Continued Interest to any Waitlisted and Deferred applications.
  • Evaluate financial aid packages to figure out what is affordable for their family.
  • Make a final decision to enrol and submit a deposit by May 1 (the enrolment deadline for most schools).  A deposit is made to save their spot at college, and the amount is usually credited to their school account. Students should be sure to check whether the deposit includes a tuition payment.
  • Let teachers who wrote recommendations for them know where they = have been accepted. Thank them again!


Students should:

  • Let their college counselor know of their final decision
  • Make their final choice and tell every college of their acceptance or rejection of offers of admission or financial aid by May 1. Send a deposit to the college you choose.
  • Take Board exams as required by the school.
  • Notify their school counselor of their college decisions and Financial Aid options.
  • Work with their counselor to let the college know about their latest accomplishments, and that they are still very interested in the school if they have been put on the waiting list by their first-choice college. 
  • Consider the visa application timelines for the country in which they will be studying.
  • UK Applicants:
    • Make sure they have indicated their “firm” and “insurance” decisions on UCAS as outstanding replies from applicants are declined by default where the last decision from universities and colleges was received by 31 March.
    • Outstanding decisions from universities and colleges on applications received by 15 January are rejected by default. 


Students should:

  • Finalise Financial Aid package
  • Check their email for waitlist notifications.
  • Make sure to sign up for first-year orientation.


Students should:

  • Prepare a budget for their first year in college; take charge of academic, personal and financial life, budget time and set priorities.
  • Finalise housing plans and shop for items needed for college.
  • Ensure that they have finalised visa applications where appropriate.
  • Enjoy their summer with their friends
  • UK Applicants
    • Outstanding replies from applicants declined by default where the last decision from universities and colleges was received by 12 June 
    • Last date to refer themselves through Extra. 
    • Outstanding decisions on applications received by 30 June and Extra referrals rejected by default. 


Students should:

  • Start packing and saying goodbyes!
  • UK Applicants: All outstanding replies will be declined by default. 


Students should:

  • UK Applicants:
    • The Clearing vacancy search is closed after this date.
    • Students should contact universities directly to discuss vacancies.
    • Clearing choices can still be added in Track.


Students should:

  • UK Applicants: 22 October: This is the last date to add a Clearing choice and the last date a university or college can accept an application in Clearing.